If you managed to find this blog page, I’m assuming you must know me personally.
But if that’s oddly not the case…I’m Abigail Skelton! I’m in my mid-twenties, I’m from Oregon, I like chocolate, I think traveling is fun, and I’d love to someday be a published author.
On some profile somewhere, I also listed the words, ‘always a missionary.’ Yes, that is my current job title, but even when I’m not on the other side of the world, I want my life (my actions, my speech, my writings), to share the hope and love of Jesus. After all, everyone is a missionary for something. In my case, I pray I’ll always put Jesus first.
That said, learning to write in a way that conveys truth without being overly preachy, is a process I’m still mastering. My ideal novels would be for the Middle Grade and Young Adult age range, so fortunately I have some inspiration in that reading category. Authors like C.S. Lewis, Madeline L’Engle, J.K. Rowling, L.M. Montgomery (and many more), impacted me as a young reader—and their dramatic stories of good and evil and right and wrong are even more moving when I reread the books as an adult!
But aside from writing, I have a full list of activities I enjoy. Spending time with family and friends takes the top spot, followed by hiking, camping, reading, playing in snow, studying foreign languages, befriending cats, volunteering at churches, critiquing movies, sampling pastries… (The list could go on for a while!) I’ve also been privileged to live in a few different countries, and learning the histories of other places is so cool! (Yes…I am a bit nerdy).
I also think you can tell a lot about a person by their favorite movies/TV shows. So…here’s a list of mine:
White Christmas
Disney’s Robin Hood
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (The Musical)
The Fiddler on the Roof
BBC Merlin
Gilligan’s Island
Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys (1970s/80s version)
BBC Emma
BBC Northanger Abbey
Lost in Space (2020s version)
Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story
And there are many more. Once again, the list could get quite extensive.
As far as work goes, I’ve been a student, a lizard handler, a switchboard operator, a newsletter writer, a babysitter, and a castle maid. Each job has taught me lots—such as the fact that 99% of raccoons you see during daylight are rabid. (Watch out!)
Coming up with interesting facts about oneself is often a challenge in the moment, but easy in retrospect. So, I may add a ‘Part II’ to this section someday.
In the meantime, thanks for reading all these random things about me.
What are some of your favorite things?